The Fondation Gisèle Faubert Inc. was founded in 1999 by Mrs. Gisèle Faubert in order to provide financial assistance to families with children suffering from any disease or disorder. Mrs. Faubert was a hard worker and, in 1999, she was the lucky winner of a large amount of money. After receiving hundreds of letters from people wanting help, she set up the Foundation to help the children who did not have the chance that her children had had. This woman of heart had as value the mutual aid, the love of others and the respect; it was therefore essential to be able to give back to the community, through the Foundation. The mission was obvious at the time. Already visionary, Mrs. Faubert has noted that the system allowed the wealthy to have faster access to resources for some pediatric care. For her, it was unacceptable that children were integrated into the systems in different ways or times. It is with pride that the Foundation recently announced that it has donated more than $ 1 million has been donated over the past 18 years to families in need.